
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Throwback Thursday - January Edition

It's the first Throwback Thursday of 2016.  Pop over to Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge to see all the quilts of the past.

December's TBT theme was Christmas, but I didn't have any Christmas projects to showcase.  That is, until I was going through my Christmas stuff and found this wall hanging.  I forgot all about this project -- it was a class at my LQS many, many years ago.

This was my first attempt at using fusible interfacing and fusible bias tape.  Even learned how to use a twin needle.

This makes me want to dig out the pattern and make another one.

Head over to link up your Throwback Thursday quilts.


  1. Wow Anja - it looks like stained glass! It's funny how you forgot you had it. I hope you got to enjoy it as part of your Christmas decorating.

  2. Very festive, Anja! I did a stained glass piece once. Once being the operative word! I still ha a roll of fusible bias tape tucked away, somewhere. Thanks for sharing! It's fun to look back to see how we've grown! XO

  3. I really like this and think a second one in the colours you love now would be a really lovely matching wall hanging!

  4. You should do a second one. It's so neat that it looks like stained glass. It's funny how you can forget things. I have never tried using bias tape.

  5. I love the stained glass feeling of this one! And you tried so many new things with it, a project full of lessons learned, I'm sure. :)

  6. You're too funny! You could have saved this one for next December's link-up :) I think I remember when you made this!

  7. Such a cute Christmas hanging!

    I have some of this tape, AND the twin needle haha! someday I want to do a bit of improv work with them!


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