
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Slow Stitching Sunday - Hand Pieced QAL

Earlier this month, I finished my blocks (here) for the the Hand Pieced QAL that was co-hosted by Patty @ Elm Street Quilts and Kristin @ Simple Handmade Everyday.

The deadline to link up a finished quilt top is April 30.  I finished with two days to spare!!

It finishes around 33 inches square.

I'm still undecided on whether to hand quilt or machine quilt the top.  Although I'm seriously considering hand quilting, but it's going to have to go into the long queue...maybe a summer time project when I hope to take some time off work.

This is one of my FAL 2019 Q2 goals.

I'm linking up with Slow Stitching Sunday @ Kathy's Quilts.  It's definitely not a link up I'll use often (LOL), but I would consider a small hand pieced project from time to time.


  1. Great planning and execution, Anja! I really love how it came together. I hope you get that time off from work this summer. :)

  2. Really pretty work, and fabrics. Your skills are awesome.

  3. I love it! Hand quilting a hand stitched project, I hope you get the time this summer to finish it.

  4. I've really enjoyed seeing your blocks each week! Congratulations on a beautiful quilt top! Thanks for linking up to the Hand Pieced QAL!

  5. This turned out so pretty. I love that milky white background fabric.

  6. I think hand quilting would finish this quilt off beautifully Anja! Lovely work!

  7. Your quilt top is beautiful! Great work :)

  8. Beautifully pieced. Very neat work and the colors are just perfect for Spring!!!

  9. Must've been IG where I saw this, but I thought I commented! It is just so beautiful Anja! I can't believe you work full-time and get all this sewing done, and HAND piecing to boot! I hope you do hand-quilt it. :-)


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