Friday, June 10, 2022

A Roll of the Dice - Sandra's Pattern Launch

Sandra @ Musings of a Menopausal Melon launched a new pattern this week -- A Roll of the Dice.  The pattern has three projects, and I chose the baby quilt.

My quilt consultant Dena choose the colours:  Kona White, Sangria, Bright Pink, Bubblegum, Tiger Lily, Torch, Duckling, and Meringue.

The blocks are 12.5 inches unfinished.  Here are four hourglass blocks:

Pink and yellow go well together.

I think these are my favourite blocks.  😉

Here is the centre block.

The baby quilt is about 40 inches square.

I have no clue how to quilt this.  It will join the pile of quilt tops waiting their turn to be quilted.

The schedule for this week:

Wednesday June 8 - Cushion:

Thursday June 9 - Bed Runner:
Michelle @peetmichelle

Friday June 10 - Baby Quilt
Anja @ Anja Quilts 
Carol @ Quilt Schmilt

You can purchase A Roll of the Dice at Sandra's Etsy shop, SandraJaneQuilts.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

2022 Monthly Colour Challenge - June Block

Have you been sewing along with Jen @ Patterns by Jen  for the 2022 Monthly Color Challenge?

There is the option to make 6-inch or 12-inch blocks.  Jen also gives the option to use the same background fabric for all the blocks.

I used Kona Mustard and Curry.  I use my Hera marker to mark lines instead of a pen or a pencil.

Flying geese units are made using the no-waste method.

Three units make up the block.

And a finished 12.5-inch block.

June Bloggers

Raylee - Sunflowers Stitcheries and Quilting

Karen - Karen Bolan

Thursday, June 2, 2022

TGIFF - Open Wide Zippered Pouches

Welcome to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday brought to you from Nova Scotia on the east coast of Canada.  If you are new to my blog, welcome.  If you are a regular, you will know that I am currently in a temporary apartment as my house is being repaired from a wind/rain storm back in February.  They started painting today!!  I don't want to get my hopes up, but it looks like I should be back home by the end of the month.

If you are new to TGIFF, it is a weekly opportunity to share your finish from the week.  You can find out who is hosting each week by heading over to the TGIFF blog on Thursday evening.

My finish this week is two zippered pouches.  My go-to pattern is Noodlehead's Open Wide Zippered Pouch.  It's a free tutorial!

These two pouches are a very late Christmas gift for a friend.  It will be likely be Canada Day by the time she receives them.  😉

I used Kona Red for the lining.

Did I mention how much I love this pattern?  It is quick and easy.  These are the medium size.  The tutorial also has small and large sizes.

It's time to link up your finishes from this week.  I encourage you to visit a few of the links ups to get some inspiration and to share some quilty love.