Friday, July 7, 2017

The Great Quilting Adventure (and a Giveaway)

I can't believe I haven't shared my great quilting adventure with you.  Two weeks ago, my friend Dena @ No Frickin' Blog Yet and I left home at 4:00 a.m. to drive five hours to buy fabric, not including the 1.5 hours Dena had to drive to get to my house.  And buy fabric we did!!  Mardens in Calais, Maine, had a fabric clearance sale -- $2/yard.  Factor in a 5-hour drive each way, the exchange to Canadian funds, paying 15% tax to Canadian Customs, and the sheer craziness of was so worth it.  I fabric.

Yes, there were some orange purchases.  😊

I may have purchased 65 yards of fabric.  But what makes the story even better...the clerk was generous with her cuts, so I actually received 65 metres of fabric -- 39/40 inches rather than 36 inches.

More surprise here.

I'm going to be an Auntie again in September, so a little pink.

Tired of looking at fabric yet?  I had two huge bags that were hard to carry because they were so heavy.

The many, many bolts of fabric were so overwhelming.  Dena and I were the only two in the fabric department, but we kept the two clerks busy cutting fabric.  LOL  I picked up some Michael Miller, Henry Glass, Riley Blake, Robert Kaufmann, and RJR Fabrics.

And if that wasn't enough, we stopped at quilt shops in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia on the way home.  I never need to buy fabric ever again....but we all know that I will.  😊

Part 1 of the great quilting adventure started a few days before -- I bought a used serger.  I've been wanting one, but didn't want to spend a lot of money as I wasn't sure how much I would use it.  Thanks to Brenda for facilitating the sale since she lived closer to the seller.  Here's my new $60 toy.

You'd think that was enough spending and fun for one week....but you might as well go big or stay home.  I got up early the next morning (I couldn't convince Dena to come with me -- we still had a full-day Sew In with our guild) and went to an estate sale and bought a Singer Featherweight 221 for $200.   ♥ 

She's off for a cleaning and tune-up.  I'm looking forward to testing her out.

Unfortunately, she didn't come with a case, but I did get the original feet and manual.


I need help naming my Featherweight.  Comment with your suggestions for a chance to win two patterns:  Candy Dish by Jaybird Patterns and Sweetpea Pods by Lazy Girl Designs.  The giveaway will be open until midnight Tuesday, July 11, 2017, and is open internationally.

Time to start washing fabric and making room in my sewing room...where am I going to put all this fabric???


  1. I have fabrics envy :) Great purchases

  2. You guys are nuts! And I mean that in a good way. Congrats on your new machines. Maybe Ebony for the FW?

  3. Holly fabric score!!! You hit the mother load. Have you officially caught the feather weight fever? I think I know a few people who have :) For some reason she looks like a Sally to me. Sally the Singer Feathweight.

  4. Wow! Your fabrics are gorgeous! Love your featherweight...I picked one up a few years ago...a fun little machine to use!

  5. Wow! What a bunch of fun purchases!! I love your fabric selections, and you're going to have so much fun with both machines. I think you should name your new girl either Dorothy or Eloise. Have a great weekend!

  6. Some major fabric scores there! Going to Marden's definitely must be done when those prices are available. not often you get nice fabric for 2 bucks a yard. Also, big score on the machines. Do I need a serger? Hmmmmmm I think you should call your FW, Fannie.

  7. I'd like to sit in the middle of all that fabric and just enjoy the colours. I don't know why but Veronica....Ronnie for short, is what came to me.

  8. Wow, you will be sewing up a storm with two new machines and all that gorgeous fabric. What a deal $2.00 a generous yard. I'll call her Susan (black eyed Susan). She real pretty. 😍

  9. I also have fabric envy. How about Audrey cause she's classy like Hepburn.

  10. Wow, that was one big shopping spree alright!! I think you should call your new Singer, Suzy!

  11. Where do I even begin here Anja ? 65 metres or yards of fabric ? How many miles of fabric is that ..,,,, sounds wonderful
    I have to go and folliw somebody who had a blog name of "no frickin blog yet " .
    I think you should many your featherweight "miles" after your journey . Maybe it should have a male name ?

  12. Congrats on the stash enhancement! And two machines besides? Double congrats!LOL
    I think she should be your Kona Girl!

  13. You earn the stashbuilding hero of the, make that the month...award! I may be just a little more than jealous at the moment. Congratulations on your stash haul. --Andrea

  14. She needs a name contemporary to her era, yet elegant. Lucille, Vivian, Maxine, Violet, Hephzibah (lol, just kidding on the last one :P)

  15. so much wonderful fabri you have bought. I was mine as soon as I buy it wonder do you wah yours a big wash load you have there!
    I too have a featherweight love it have the box but no manual mine is called Pearl after the song Peal the singer! If you email singer with the number on the machine they will tell you its date of birth mine is 21 september 1948. Enjoy your serger I have one but hoping to find someone that would like it as I never use it.

  16. Wow - that is quite the fabric haul!! I'm more than a little jealous! As for your new featherweight - not sure why, but Thelma came to mind - maybe because of that road trip you took! :-)

  17. Wow Anja. That's quite the haul. I can't even imagine buying all that fabric at once.....but what a deal. I'm supposedly trying to use all mine up. but i'm off to the lqs with my buddies today

  18. WOW!!! beautiful fabric I could have used a trip like that, great buys.

  19. How about Daisy as a name. You have beautiful fabrics!! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

  20. WOW! Did you do good or what-beautiful fabrics at a great price!-I would have done the same! She looks like a Suzy to me? Thank you, Susan in Mississippi

  21. What an amazing adventure, Anja! The fabrics are so gorgeous and the machine is a beauty too. If you can't find room for all the fabric, I'm sure I could fit it in somewhere, lol :)

  22. I am still trying to recover, lol. I loved reading everyone's names for the Featherweight. I like the idea of Audrey, classy just like Hepburn and who will enjoy a long life just like my Aunt Audrey who turned 101 on the day we went to Calias.

  23. Love your fabrics and new machines.

  24. She needs a name contemporary to her era, yet elegant. Lucille, Vivian, Maxine, Violet, Hephzibah (lol, just kidding on the last one :P)



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