Sunday, February 25, 2018

Project Quilting 9.4 - Mellow Yellow

The fourth theme of Project Quilting hosted by Kim @ Persimon Dreams was a little difficult -- Mellow Yellow.

It took me a few days, but I came up with a great idea -- use the logo from the Mello Yello soda:

Unfortunately, that required a lot of work, and this darn cold/flu keeps hanging on, and I wasn't able to make this happen.

But I did want to say I participated in all the Project Quilting challenges, so I whipped up a quick zippered pouch.  The Open Wide Zippered Pouch tutorial by Noodlehead is my go-to pattern.

In the past, I made a zippered pouch out of waterproof PUL (without the interfacing) to take to Girl Guide camp with me in an attempt to keep things dry.  So I decided to make another one using these cute yellow ducks.  You can't help but smile.

And adorable butterflies on the inside.

So although my project is not quite on point, there is yellow on both the exterior and interior.

Friday, February 23, 2018

TGIFF - Doll Quilts

Bernie @ Needle & Foot is hosting an event to collect doll quilts for A Doll Like Me.  I used some orphan blocks to whip up three little doll quilts to donate.

I've been fighting a cold/flu, so I had to go simple and quick.  I added a huge border on each of these rainbow 12.5-inch blocks.  Not exciting, but colourful.  This one has a purple binding.

And a pink binding for this one.  These two measure 22-inches square.

I tried designing a block last year, so I sewed the four test blocks into a 24-inch quilt.

They all got a quick all-over stipple.  They'll be going in the mail tomorrow.  Bernie was very thoughtful and organized a lady in Canada to collect quilts.  She travels to the USA regularly and will deliver the quilts.  It makes it a little easier to donate when you don't have to spend so much on postage.

If my little donation makes a child happy, then it was worth the effort.

If you have a finish this week, here's your chance to share it with everyone:

Thank Goodness It's Finish Friday @ Kathy's Kwilts and More
Finish It Up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not Friday @ Busy Hand Quilts 
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

It's My Party (and Giveaway)!!!

It's been another great year of fun, finishes, and friendships.  It's my 4th blog anniversary!  🎆🎇🎉🎈🎊

I started my blog four years, late on a Friday night, so I could have a chance to win a prize.  😊  There wasn't even a single photo in my first post.

This continues to be a wonderful adventure of learning new things and making new friends.

2018 is my year:  my car will be paid off in June; mortgage paid off in July 🙌; turning 50 in July; going to India in September to celebrate; and going to Sewtopia Boston in November.

Leave a comment telling me something exciting that's happening for you in 2018, or something you're looking forward to trying in 2018.  I'll randomly draw four names at the end of the day Sunday, February 25, 2018.  I have four patterns to give away:  two from Jaybird Quilts, one from Lazy Girl Designs, and one from Patterns from Jean Boyd.

Thank you to everyone for your comments on my blog, for your great advice, and for providing me wonderful opportunities.  It makes this adventure so much more fun.  I can't wait to see what the rest of 2018 has to offer.

Friday, February 16, 2018

TGIFF - Modern Quilt Guild Mini Swap

I played along with the Modern Quilt Guild mini swap.  In case my swap partner is reading this, SPOILER ALERT!!  Stop reading -- I may have forgotten to mail my mini at the beginning of the week, so it likely didn't arrive today as I had planned.

This swap challenged me.  My partner likes of my least favourite techniques.  But luckily, he likes solids and geometric shapes.

But where to start?  I borrowed Quilting Modern from Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge.  I decided on a variation of the pattern Tipsy City Quilt.

Here is my 19-inch version:

I used the following Kona colours:  Geranium, Turquoise, School Bus, Emerald, Canary, Purple, Kiwi, Jamaica, and Dark Violet for the background.

I even included some curved piecing.  I was definitely out of my comfort zone with both improv and curved piecing.  Wavy line quilting in purple variegated thread -- I tried to follow the curves as best I could.

I didn't have enough Jamaica for the binding, so I added a section of background Dark Violet.

This was a great experience.  I hope my partner likes it.

If you have a finish this week, here's your chance to share it with everyone:

Thank Goodness It's Finish Friday @ Lisa in Port Hope
Finish It Up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not Friday @ Busy Hand Quilts 
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

WIP Wednesday - Classic Meets Modern BOM

It's the second month of the Classic Meets Modern BOM hosted by Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation.

You can click here to see my January blocks.

I started with the two 6.5-inch Greek Cross blocks.

 I am so happy with my Kona colours:  White, Steel, Turquoise, Berry, Pool, Parrot, and Royal.

I started on the Nested Churn Dash block, which turned out to be a 24.5-inch block.  I really need to start reading patterns more carefully.  LOL  I planned to go to bed at a decent hour last night, but I really wanted to finish this block, so I stayed up late to finish.  It was little painful dragging myself out of bed this morning.  😪

There's still time to join in with the quilt along.

Linking up with:

Let's Bee Social @ Sew Fresh Quilts
WIP Wednesday @ The Needle and Thread Network
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Modern Plus Sign Quilts

Cheryl @ Meadow Mist Designs and Paige @ Quilted Blooms have a great new book:  Modern Plus Sign Quilts.

You can purchase the book from Amazon and from Chapters in Canada.  If you want a signed copy, you can purchase directly from Cheryl's Etsy Shop.  If you prefer a digital copy, you can order it from C & T Publications.

Cheryl and Page are hosting a blog hop to showcase all the wonderful projects in the book.  It starts on March 12, and there are lot of bloggers scheduled.  I am pleased and honoured to be participating.  You'll have to stop by to see my version.  I actually purchased my binding fabric first, and then chose the rest of fabrics based on the binding fabric.  Oh my...sure hope my vision plays out how I think it will.

There will also be a quilt along this summer.  If you participate in Cheryl's yearly mystery quilt along, you know this will be a fun experience.  Make sure you get your copy of the book.

Blog Anniversary and Giveaway

Make sure to stop by next week -- February 21.  I'll be celebrating my 4th blog anniversary.  You don't want to miss the giveaway.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Project Quilting 9.3 - Bold and Brave

I survived the third week of Project Quilting hosted by Kim @ Persimon Dreams.  This week's theme was Bold and Brave.  Only three more challenges to go.

I struggled with ideas, but then remembered I was taking a workshop through my guild with Andrea @ 3rd Story Workshop -- appliqué maps.

We spent a lot of time cutting out the maps.  I choose not to be precise (because it was too fiddly), so maybe a few small islands might have disappeared.  Artistic license...that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.  😉

I also took artistic license and decided some of the parks didn't exist because they were too small to cut out.

Steam a Seam was used to adhere the map to the background.  I always thought Steam a Seam and Wonder Under (fusible interfacing) were the same.  I learned a lot, and I like that you can reposition Steam a Seam.

The Magdalen Islands turned into one island, and I may have ripped Cape Breton (part of Nova Scotia) in half.  Oops.  Artistic license I say.

The parks were then ironed on.  I used Kona Deep Blue for the background; White for the maps; and Mint for the provinces.

Rough free motion quilting around the map to keep it in place.  My free motion ocean currents are a little wonky, but I'm saying the seas were rough that day.  😉

We also free motioned the highways in each province.  More artistic license.  This finishes at 12.5 inches.

And if that wasn't enough bold and brave for one day, I decided to try a faced binding.  I found a great video tutorial and just went for it.  Here's the back.  Ignore the messy quilting -- my Singer doesn't like free motion quilting.

Nova Scotia is on the east coast of Canada.  New Brunswick (far left), Prince Edward Island (attached to New Brunswick by bridge and reachable from Nova Scotia by ferry), and Nova Scotia are considered the Maritime Provinces.  If the map were bigger, Newfoundland and Labrador would be in the upper right-hand corner, and the four provinces are considered the Atlantic Provinces.

This was a good learning experience.  I tried some new things, even though I was hesitant.

You can vote for your favourite project here.

Friday, February 9, 2018

TGIFF - Baby Beluga

I completed another one of my FAL 2018 Q1 goals.  Dancing Narwhal (with a Beluga option) is a pattern from Andrea @ 3rd Story Workshop.  You can find Andrea's patterns here

This wall hanging finishes around 16.5 inches.  I used the following Kona colours:  White, Cloud, Lake, Periwinkle, Lapis, Deep Blue, and Black.

The above photo was taken inside.  The colours don't look as rich outside.

The blue background is from the Natural History collection by Lizzy House.  Why didn't I buy more?

If you have a finish this week, here's your chance to share it with everyone:

Thank Goodness It's Finish Friday @ Katie Mae Quilts
Finish It Up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not Friday @ Busy Hand Quilts 
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation 

Friday, February 2, 2018

TGIFF - Commissioned Triangle Quilt

I don't do a lot of commissioned work, but I do enjoy it when the opportunity presents itself.  I had the pleasure of making this quilt for a little boy for Christmas.

The quilt measures 43 x 80 inches, at the request of the customer.

Organic wavy lines in grey thread.

Kona:  Aqua, Curry, Nautical, Regatta, Pewter, Graphite, and Snow.

If you have a finish this week, here's your chance to share it with everyone:

Thank Goodness It's Finish Friday @ Devoted Quilter
Finish It Up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not Friday @ Busy Hand Quilts 
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation