Thursday, March 17, 2022

TGIFF - Project Quilting 13.6

Welcome to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.  TGIFF is the opportunity to share your finish from this week.  You can find out who is hosting each week by heading over to the TGIFF blog.

Have you thought about hosting TGIFF?  You can sign up to host here.

Have you been playing along with Project Quilting hosted by Kim @ Persimon Dreams?
Project Quilting is a 12-week challenge that consists of six themed challenges.

You can see my completed project for Project Quilting 13.1(theme:  all the colours) here.  Unfortunately, life got the better of me, and I wasn't able to complete challenges 2 through 5.  But I've managed to complete this week's challenge.  The theme is flying geese.

I decided to use a pattern by Piece by Numbers Quilt -- Circle of Geese.  I used Kona Storm for the background and some bright Kona colours I found in my scrap bin.  I miscalculated seam allowances, so the blue goose runs into the side gusset.  I'll have to remember that for the next one I make.

I added a bright print for the lining, and now I have a little gift for someone.

It's time to link up your finishes from this week.  I encourage you to visit a few of the links ups to get some inspiration and to share some quilty love.

Here are some other blogs to link up your finish:

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not Friday @ Alycia Quilts
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation
Brag About Your Beauties @ From Bolt to Beauty
Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting 


  1. Thanks for hosting TGIFF this week, Anja. The bag is going to be a great gift for someone. I've been thinking of you!!

  2. Your bag is great! I love the colours of the geese. I better get working on my project.

  3. Oh snap! I'm using that same pattern, and was planning on making it into a bag if I can get my act together; otherwise it will be a mini. I love how yours turned out!

  4. A very lovely bag for this challenge!

  5. This is super cute! Love that you came back even though you missed a few ;) I want everyone to realize that's completely OK!

  6. What a fun bag, Anja! If you need a recipient for it, I volunteer. Sorry that life got in the way of your quilting during this season, but SEW glad you're back now! :o))


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