Thursday, May 9, 2019

TGIFF - A Friday (almost) Finish

Welcome to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.  If you're visiting for the first time, I am one of four monthly managers for TGIFF.  I live in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.

TGIFF is an opportunity to showcase your finish and to see what others are creating (and to share some quilty love).  If you are interested in hosting, you can click here to sign up.

I have to confess that I don't have a "finish" to share with you this week.  My nieces were in town unexpectedly this week.  Since they live in another province, I only see them every couple of months when the oldest has an doctor's appointment.  So I cancel all my commitments to spend as much time with the girls as possible, so there was no sewing this week.  If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen their adorable little faces.

I do have a finished quilt top to share.  I pieced together all my Trinket blocks.

Sorry I don't have more to say, but I'm rushing out the door to get to my quilt guild meeting on time (which is not going to happen).

Do you have a finish this week?

Link up your blog/Instagram post showing your finish by using the linkup below.  Don't forget to visit a few blogs to spread some quilty love and encouragement.  Please include the TGIFF button or a link to the TGIFF blog in your blog post so your followers can also view all the great finishes.


  1. Enjoying your time with your nieces sounds like the right priority choice to me. The trinkets quilt top looks great and I hope it was a good guild meeting. :)

  2. Your top looks great and spending time with your nieces is the best - there are other times for finishes!

  3. The sewing can be done any time but spending time with sweet nieces - well that can't wait! Hope you all had a lovely time and the rush to get to your meeting paid off Anja :)

  4. Your Trinket quilt is coming along very nicely!! Spending time with two little ones as cute as your nieces is the only think you could and should do!! Sewing can wait!

  5. Oh, your Trinket quilt is looking so good! Would've loved to join in that one, but I resisted...for now! And absolutely real life especially in the form of those two cutie-pies as I said on IG, should make quilting-schmilting take a back seat!

  6. I confirm, your nieces are cute! Have fun with them. I like the gray in your top.

  7. This quilt looks awesome I love the grey fabric in between your trinket blocks. Of course you drop everything when the nieces are in town...they are the best.

  8. I too love that grey fabric in between the trinket blocks. This looks very smart!

  9. Congratulations on your Trinket finish, Anja. This paper piecing adventure was a tough one for me. I am glad the blocks are done. I am still working on my layout. Yes, your nieces are too cute for any serious sewing/quilting.


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