Wednesday, February 15, 2017

WIP Wednesday - Paper Piecing Pattern Testing

A guild mate was looking for pattern testers for her gemstone paper pieced patterns.  Still not sure why my hand went up.  But here we are, four weeks and four patterns later.  You can find Andrea's patterns and quilts @ 3rd Story Workshop.

These are 12.5 inches at the moment.  I'm not sure how I'm going to quilt them, but they will likely end up as wall hangings.

This is Emerald Cut.

And Teardrop Cut.

This is Round Cut.

And finally Princess Cut.

The patterns are well written with lots of information, directions, and photos.

The only tricky part was all the tiny pieces.  Some of my seams don't line up precisely -- it was hard with the many sections.

Now time for a break from paper piecing.

Linking up with:

Let's Bee Social @ Sew Fresh Quilts
WIP Wednesday @ The Needle and Thread Network
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter


  1. Look at you go with all that intricate paper piecing!! You have grown so much with that technique. I know alignment can be an issue, but these look wonderful. :)

  2. All this from the person who didn't at one time like paper piecing, way to go Anja.

  3. Nice! A jewel quilt! Thanks for sharing these pretties on Midweek Makers

  4. These gems are amazing, Anja! They really do look three dimensional. If it makes you feel any better, I don't even notice points that might not be matching because the overall effect is of a sparkling jewel!

  5. Look at you, paper piecing queen 👑. These are amazing. Well done. 👏👏👏

  6. Anja, these are wonderful! Thank you for persevering through the process of testing these. You could probably take on any paper piecing pattern now!

  7. Wow! That's it....Wow!

  8. Oh my word, these are beautiful!! I can imagine how much patience you needed for such tiny pieces, but so worth it, well done on a great job!

  9. Looks brilliant and I really like the different cuts. Must've taken a while!

  10. Not sure why your hand went up - this had me laughing. But the blocks had me oohing and aahing. Very beautifully executed. Guess what - they will ask you next time to test the pattern even if you do not raise your hand. The curse of doing it well :-D

  11. I'm beginning to think deep down you just might like paper piecing :) These are beautiful. I've never seen a pattern quite like these before.

  12. Wow those are intricate and beautiful. I guess I know why you need a break from paper piecing for a while. But isn't it worth paper piecing when the result can be so stunning? Thanks for linking up...I would have hated to miss this.

  13. Wow. the orange ones particularly caught my eye! love it!

  14. You did an amazing job with these! They are spectacular! But I can definitely understand why you would need a break from paper-piecing now. Some of these pieces must have been really, really small!

  15. Fantastic work Anja! Those oranges--! I do not mind pp, but the many tiny facets of these jewels would have me sitting on my hands when volunteers were needed methinks...

  16. You have done a fantastic job of piecing all these beautiful blocks. I love the oranges against the dark backgrounds, but the neutrals are really pretty, too. Great work!

  17. They are all so beautiful! So many pieces, I can see why you might have had trouble with seams lining up, but you really can't see any problems in the pictures.

  18. These are fabulous! Did you see the Tasmanian quilt, Bling, that won the modern quilt prize recently? These make me think of it.


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