Monday, February 13, 2023

Stay at Home Round Robin - Round 4

Can you believe we're already on round 4 for the Stay at Home Round Robin hosted by Gail @ Quilting Gail

I chose this week's theme -- flying geese.  There are many ways to make flying geese units.  I chose to paper piece mine.  No, I have not lost my mind (well...maybe LOL).  I wanted to make sure I had crisp points, so I took the opportunity to practice my paper piecing skills.

I combined this week's flying geese units with last week's hourglass blocks to make one border.   This now measures 33 inches.

I used Kona Pink Flamingo and a colour I forgot to label.  I wanted to pull out some of the pink from the centre block.  Now I need to decide on colours for the next two rounds.

My progress:

Each Monday, a different blogger will reveal that week's theme.

For a chance to win some great prizes, link up your round 4 progress by Sunday, February 19.  You can read about the sponsors and prizes here.


  1. Oooh, I really like the way you inverted the geese and sky fabrics in the border. It will be fun to see how everyone works with the prompt this week!

  2. That looks great, Anja! Off to see how I might combine rounds 3 and 4...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That looks great. Inverting the colours makes such an impact. I came up with an idea for my next border at 5 this morning, and was hoping flying geese would be the prompt. Now I am off to learn how to make them. :)

  5. Mixing the hourglass and flying geese blocks makes for a wonderful border Anja. Now... how do I want to use this round??? Off to think a bit!

  6. Those are great! I love that some are dark sky and some dark geese! I wasn't surprised by this choice, in fact, was expecting it from someone soon. Off to the drawing board!

  7. I love the flying geese. Now to figure out how I’ll use them. This is also great practise on figuring out my 3” block 😩. Looking forward to seeing the other quilts

  8. I love the addition of the pink, and I like the way you switched the two fabrics in the flying geese. They combine really well with the hourglass blocks!

  9. Looks great, Anja! I love how you are alternating the solids and print rows!

  10. It's a very fun quilt. I love your round 2 border.

  11. I can't believe I missed the start of this year's fun! Spools and Geese and QSTs -- a lot of fun going on here and feels like a Joni Mitchell song! Look forward to checking out how you got to here and following where it's going.


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