Thursday, March 28, 2024

TGIFF - A Finish by Dena

Welcome back for Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.  TGIFF is the opportunity to share your finish from this week.  You can find out who is hosting each week by heading over to the TGIFF blog.

Unfortunately, we didn't have a host for this week.  So my good friend Dena agreed to showcase her finish from this week.  She does not have a blog, so I'll share her photos and her commentary.

I started this mini in a Carolyn Friedlander workshop in Halifax at last year's Quilt Canada.  Carolyn encouraged us to use individual elements of her pattern to create our own layouts.  I used only Carolyn Friedlander fabrics.  My mini finishes at roughly 12.5 x 24 inches.

I tried match stick quilting for the first time.  I used Decobob thread by Wonderfil Speciality Thread, and there are a few lines of glittery quilting using a silver Gutermann thread.

This quilt will be on display at the Maritime Modern Quilt Guild quilt show in April.

Head over to Instagram to share some quilty love to Dena for her great finish.

It's time for you to link up your finishes from this week.  Please visit a few of the link ups to get some inspiration and to share some quilty love. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Project Quilting 15.6 - Irish Chain

Season 15 of Project Quilting -- hosted by Kim @ Persimon Dreams and Trish @ Quilt Chicken -- has come to an end.  There were weeks when I wasn't confident that I'd be able to make something, but I am pleased that I completed all six challenges this season.

The final theme was Irish Chain.  I decided to make a drawstring bag, using my favourite pattern, Lined Drawstring Bag by In Color Order.  I made the Project Bag size.  However, troubles followed me from start to finish.  Firstly, I was making it mere hours before today's deadline. 😉 I miscalculated the placement of the Irish chain block, and I didn't have enough fabric to fix it because I was using scraps.  So the bottom half of the block got cut off when boxing the corners.

And when I boxed the corners, I cut wrong.  And I cut the ribbon too short.

But it's finished by the deadline!  And although not a perfect bag, it will hold things.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Stay at Home Round Robin Quilt Parade

Did you enjoy sewing along with the Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) hosted by Gail @ Quilting Gail?  It's time to link up your finished quilt (or quilt top).

I used three solid fabrics:  Kona Nightfall, Torch, and White.  It finishes around 56 inches after quilting.

I used a variety of free-motion quilting motifs with a light orange thread.

I had planned to do some big stitch quilting elements in the centre, but I couldn't decide on a plan.  I can always add it later.

You can see my weekly updates:

Make sure you link up your finished quilt here.

Thanks to my SAHRR host bloggers for another great QAL.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

TGIFF - Bags for a Friend

Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday is being hosted here again.  TGIFF is the opportunity to share your finish from this week.  You can find out who is hosting each week by heading over to the TGIFF blog.

If you would like to host TGIFF in 2024, click here to sign up.

I wanted to make a thank-you gift for a good friend and decided on something practical.

I love the Open Wide Zippered Pouch tutorial.

My other go-to bag tutorial is the Lined Drawstring Bag.  I purchased the pattern to make other sizes.

I hope she likes these bags.  And I hope I remembered correctly that purple is her favourite colour.  

It's time for you to link up your finishes from this week.  Please visit a few of the link ups to get some inspiration and to share some quilty love.  

Friday, March 8, 2024

Romance Garden Fabric Blog Hop

Sherry @ Powered by Quilting is hosting a blog hop for her new signature Island Batik fabric line -- Romance Garden.  This is a great collection of pink, green, and purple fabrics.

I made a baby quilt (48 x 48 inches) using a modified rail fence pattern to showcase the great prints.

The colours are vibrant and bright.

Head over to Sherry's blog post to enter the giveaway and to see all the bloggers participating in the blog hop.

I keep the quilting simple -- an all-over loop motif using light green thread.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

TGIFF - Project Quilting 15.5 - Wearables

Welcome to this week's edition of Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.  TGIFF is the opportunity to share your finish from this week.  You can find out who is hosting each week by heading over to the TGIFF blog.

If you would like to host TGIFF in 2024, click here to sign up.

Have you been sewing along with Project Quilting?  This week's theme is Wearables. 😮  What to do?  What to do?  I finally decided on an apron to hold my scissors, etc. while using my longarm.  I found a tutorial to make an apron using a pillowcase.  I was skeptical, but with limited time this week, I thought I'd give it a try.

I love this apron!!!  I can't wait to make another one.

I recommend folding up 6 inches.  I had to make a little adjustment after the first fold because 8 inches was too much for my pillowcase.  Instead of making two pockets, I made three.  I used a piece of plastic-y webbing because I didn't want to put too much effort into this apron in case I didn't like it.

It's time for you to link up your finishes from this week.  Please visit a few of the link ups to get some inspiration and to share some quilty love.