I pieced the last four blocks for the 2019 Monthly Color Challenge hosted by Jen @ Patterns by Jen. This is the December block.
Since I wanted to limit the amount of WIPs going into 2020, I skipped the sashing and pieced the blocks together. To save time, I pieced the blocks in the order they were released. It will make a colourful baby or charity quilt.
Here are the December instructions for the Mosaic Mystery QAL hosted by Cheryl @ Meadow Mist Designs.
I pieced the final two blocks for the Tiny Quilt QAL hosted by Teresa @ Sewn Up. Those paper pieced blocks finish at 3 inches.
And today brings the end to the 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge. This is my 16th blog post for the month of December, which is 50 percent.

I'm going to spend the evening working on my 2019 temperature quilt. Time will tell whether I am awake to see the arrival of 2020. 😊