Friday, May 31, 2019

TGIFF - Everyone's Got an X

My May One Monthly Goal (OMG) was to finish my Everyone's Got an X quilt that I made during the QAL hosted by Andrea @ 3rd Story Workshop.

I used Kona Pond, Glacier, and Candy Green.

I did straight-line quilting through the X and echo quilting on the outside edges.  I used Gutermann thread #650 and #7540.

It took me several days to get these photos because it has been raining and raining and raining.

A bold contrast backing for fun.  😊

This was also one of my FAL Q2 goals.

If you have a finish this week, consider linking up with:

Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday @ Musings of a Menopausal Melon
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict 
Finished or Not Friday @ Busy Hands Quilts
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation
Brag About Your Beauties @ From Bolt to Beauty 
Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting

Friday, May 24, 2019

Make it Modern - May Island Batik Project

Note:  All products in this post were given to me by Island Batik as part of their Ambassador program.

It's time to share my May Island Batik Ambassador project.  This month's theme stated:

Make a crib-sized quilt using Hobbs batting. 
Must incorporate one of the characteristics of modern quilts, as defined by the Modern Quilt Guild (✓the use of bold colors and prints, ✓high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, ✓minimalism, ✓expansive negative space, alternate grid work).
My piece checks off four of the six modern characteristics.  That's a win in my books!

This quilt was supposed to be 40 inches square, but due to a miscalculation on my part with the backing, it ended up being about 37 x 41 inches.  The challenge was to make a crib size or larger.  You could ask 100 people what crib size means, and you'd get 100 different answers.  I generally make my baby quilts around 36 inches.

This quilt is a result of my participation in the 30 Quilt Designs Challenge 2019 hosted by Sandra @ Musings of Menopausal Melon.  I started out using a technique shown by Teresa @ Sewn Up, Teresa Down Under in her book Turnabout Patchwork.  This is a modified version of my original design.

My test block used a 2.5-inch square on a 5-inch block.  Four of those blocks put together made a 9.5-inch block.  But I felt I needed more background to showcase the "flower," so I increased the corner square to 3.5 inches.  I'm not totally satisfied, but I didn't re-do them because I didn't want to waste fabric.  I think next time, I will try using a 3-inch square.

I used the Island Batik Stash Builders for the "flowers".  They are pre-cut 5-inch strips, so there was very little cutting.

I used Hobbs Heirloom Premium 80/20 batting.  This is the only batting I use, and I love it.  I always buy the queen size (90 x 108 inches).  I can get it at Michael's, so the bonus is that I'm able to use coupons to save some money.

I used Aurifil thread #2021 Natural White for some straight line quilting and #2886 Light Avocado for the binding.

The Accuquilt Ready. Set. Go! Ultimate fabric cutting system is great for cutting 2.5-inch strips for binding.

Thanks to Island Batik, Aurifil, Hobbs Batting, and Accuquilt for the wonderful products.

*I haven't come up with a name for this quilt yet.  I'm open to hear any suggestions you may have.

If you have a finish this week, consider linking up with:

Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday @ Pretty Piney
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict 
Finished or Not Friday @ Busy Hands Quilts
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation
Brag About Your Beauties @ From Bolt to Beauty 
Friday Foto Fun @ Powered by Quilting

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

WIP Wednesday - Beothuk Star QAL

I'm making progress with the Beothuk Star QAL hosted by Sandra @ Musings of a Menopausal Melon.  I didn't fall behind!!  😊

We had to make eight of the blocks.  Once you've made the 96 HSTs, everything else is quick and easy.  LOL

I've laid out my eight blocks following the pattern.

The next step is to make the remaining eight blocks.  I can't wait to get the top pieced to see how it looks.  I guess it's time to start thinking about a quilting plan. That part of the process is my least favourite.

What are you working on this week?

Linking up with:

Let's Bee Social @ Sew Fresh Quilts
WIP Wednesday @ The Needle and Thread Network
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday, May 16, 2019

TGIFF - Hands2Help Comfort Quilt

Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday is being hosted here once again.  As one of the four monthly managers for TGIFF, I host when there isn't someone signed up on the schedule.

If you are interested in hosting, you can click here to sign up.

I'm once again participating in the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge hosted by Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

My quilt started out with 2.5-inch strips, sewn together on the long edge.  I cut the strip set into three sections:  19.5 inches, 8 inches, and 12 inches.

I followed a Rockin' Rectangles tutorial shared by Sarah.  I think next time, I'll cut the strips into sections before sewing them together.  I think it would be a little easier to manage.  I used Kona Sky for the accent pieces, which are 8 inches wide.

My quilt will be going to Victoria's Quilts Canada.  The organization gives quilts to Canadians living with Canada.  They request quilt tops only, so my top is technically "finished" even though it's not quilted.

Do you have a finish this week?

Link up your blog or Instagram post showing your finish by using the linkup below.  Don't forget to visit a few blogs to spread some quilty love and encouragement.  Please include the TGIFF button or a link to the TGIFF blog in your blog post so your followers can also view all the great finishes.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

WIP Wednesday - Yonder Quilt Along

I'm participating in the Yonder Quilt Along hosted by Briar Hill Designs.

The fabrics I'm using are all from my stash:

  • Kona Snow and Waterfall
  • Botanique by Joel Dewberry
  • Atrium by Joel Dewberry
  • Clementine by Heather Bailey

We were given a sheet of labels -- so very helpful in keeping all the pieces straight.

These are 18.5-inch blocks.  I love big blocks...I cannot lie.  ha ha ha

I'm making the bassinet size -- 36 x 36 inches.

I'm going to end up with an extra block, so I'll likely make it into a pillow.

Linking up with:

Let's Bee Social @ Sew Fresh Quilts
WIP Wednesday @ The Needle and Thread Network
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Broken Panes Quilt Along

Have you seen news of the Broken Panes Quilt Along hosted by Jen @ Patterns by Jen?  I will be one of the bloggers sewing along with Jen.

Jen will be sharing some tips in advance of the quilt along.  She has a post about fabric preparation.  There is lots of time to join in.  Cutting will begin June 4.

I searched my stash for some fabric, and I was able to pull all but one fabric.  I seem to be lacking in red fabrics.  But look at the great red print I found at my LQS.

But even better...look at the squirrels on the selvedge.  ♥

If you're interested in sewing along with us, head over to purchase the pattern and start pulling fabric.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

TGIFF - A Friday (almost) Finish

Welcome to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.  If you're visiting for the first time, I am one of four monthly managers for TGIFF.  I live in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.

TGIFF is an opportunity to showcase your finish and to see what others are creating (and to share some quilty love).  If you are interested in hosting, you can click here to sign up.

I have to confess that I don't have a "finish" to share with you this week.  My nieces were in town unexpectedly this week.  Since they live in another province, I only see them every couple of months when the oldest has an doctor's appointment.  So I cancel all my commitments to spend as much time with the girls as possible, so there was no sewing this week.  If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen their adorable little faces. ♥

I do have a finished quilt top to share.  I pieced together all my Trinket blocks.

Sorry I don't have more to say, but I'm rushing out the door to get to my quilt guild meeting on time (which is not going to happen).

Do you have a finish this week?

Link up your blog/Instagram post showing your finish by using the linkup below.  Don't forget to visit a few blogs to spread some quilty love and encouragement.  Please include the TGIFF button or a link to the TGIFF blog in your blog post so your followers can also view all the great finishes.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

WIP Wednesday - Medallion Magic QAL Update

I completed the next step in the Medallion Magic QAL hosted by Leanne @ Devoted Quilter.

You can see my centre star block here.   Kona Nightfall, Royal, Tangerine, Torch, Orange, School Bus, and Tiger Lily all look great together.

The April instructions were to add two borders:  a simple solid border and then a not-so-simple border.  it started with sewing skinny strips together.  The strip set was cut into another skinny strip to be sewn between two background pieces.

And then we had to make 1.5-inch HSTs.  😢  

Those tiny HSTs were turned into a 4.5-inch pinwheel.  After the first one, I was tempted to ditch the other three and do something different for the corners.  But I continued on.....

It turned out great...if I do say so myself.  😊

If you're interested, there's still time to join in.  Head over to Devoted Quilter to get the pattern and the details.

Medallion Magic QAL -

Linking up with:

Let's Bee Social @ Sew Fresh Quilts
WIP Wednesday @ The Needle and Thread Network
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss @ The Inquiring Quilter

Monday, May 6, 2019

May One Monthly Goal

Do you need some motivation to finish up some WIPs?  Head over to Elm Street Quilts -- Patty hosts a monthly goal setting link up.  It helps me stay focused on projects.  And there's the bonus of prizes.

I participated in the recent QAL hosted by Andrea @ 3rd Story Workshop for her Everyone's Got an X pattern. But I got derailed when I couldn't decide on a quilting plan.

Here is my fabric pull, which includes Kona Pond, Glacier, and Candy Green.

The quilt top is pieced and basted.  I think I've finally decided on a quilting plan.  Now to see if I have the right thread colour in my stash.

My goal is to get this quilted by the end of the month.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Beothuk Star Quilt Along

Have you seen the Beothuk Star QAL hosted by Sandra @ Musings of a Menopausal Melon?

I'm in!  And all the fabrics are from my stash.

Sandra shared a tip to mark the line for HSTs with a Hera marker.  I currently use the Clover Hera Marker Slim.  You can mark two squares at the same time, so you're saving both time and ink/pencil.

Even though the "line" is less noticeable on the bottom square, it is easily seen.

Let the chain piecing begin.

I use Bloc Loc rulers to trim my HSTs.  I love these rulers.  The "channel" keeps the fabric from slipping, so you get perfect squares every time.

All 96 HSTs finished.

I'm all ready for the next set of instructions.  There's still time to join in.  Head over to Musings of a Menopausal Melon to get all the details.